


  AtomineerUtils 是国外的一款用于生成源代码注释的一款 VS 插件工具
  官方网站: http://www.atomineerutils.com/products.php
  通过链接,可以看出这款插件的功能十分强大,不像 GhostDoc 那样,只支持 C#,这款插件,支持 C、C++、C++/CLI、C#、Java 语言等,由此可以看出其强大,注释的风格可以灵活配置。
  虽然它功能十分强大,但是由于是收费的软件,所以当使用超过 30 天后,就无法再继续适用了。个人并不是做破解的,之所以破解它只是因为我写代码时会用到,网上搜索也只有 8.x 的破解,也没法正常使用。

  这里我参照了下上面原文的作者的论述对最新版做了点修改。目前 9.25 版本后官方的 VS2015 版本的主要 DLL 部分不再做代码混淆,而是很清晰的类名称,所以破解反而更容易了,当然其下非 *.vsix 安装的版本依然是做了混淆,要一个一个去找,找不到只能下着断点去慢慢找了。



  This extension for Visual Studio provides unsurpassed code documentation comment generation and updating, smart word wrapping of text within comments, live typing aids to make editing comments much easier, tools to quickly convert legacy documentation to new formats, a command to instantly align code (such as assignments, parameters and tabular data) into columns, and several handy outlining, code generation and clipboard commands.
  1. Save time - save effort - save money.
  2. Eliminate almost all the drudgery of filling in documentation.
  3. Effortlessly keep code and documentation in sync.
  4. Encourage better coding, naming and documentation practices.
  5. Speed up development and reduce errors with intellisense help on all
  6. your own classes and methods.
  7. Easily satisfy Code Analysis and Static Analysis requirements for
  8. documentation.
  9. Accelerate editing of comments with automated formatting, word
  10. wrapping, pasting and bullet-list entry aids, and (for VS 2010, 2012,2013, 2015) spell checking as you edit comments.

  Atomineer Pro Documentation Development Summary

  This extension began development in 1996 (for Visual C++ 4.0), and has been evolving and improving through constant use by software professionals ever since. More recent developments are listed below…

How It WorksSupported Languages






  注意断网进入 VS 后,在拓展和更新里把它的自动更新勾给去掉,不然 VS 还是会让它自动更新。

Last modification:June 22, 2019
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